Category: Uncategorized

  • How to Add Image Masking in Gutenberg

    How to Add Image Masking in Gutenberg

    his may sound cliché and overused, that an image worth a thousand words. Nevertheless, we have admitted that image has that much power. In WordPress, we have Gutenberg, a block-based editor that we can use to create posts and pages. In Gutenberg, you can easily add an image to your content. But the problem is…

  • How to Add a Custom Role in WordPress (Without Plugin)

    How to Add a Custom Role in WordPress (Without Plugin)

    Not everyone who manages website content needs to have administrative privileges. Therefore, we need to assign each user a role based on need. It’s a great security measure and can better ensure against mishaps or even someone binge-installing random or dangerous plugins. There are some built-in user roles in WordPress ready to use, from the…

  • The Amazing Spinalonga Island

    The Amazing Spinalonga Island

    Duis ut facilisis lacus. Etiam ac luctus erat. Nullam vel ante aliquam, cursus ligula in, vulputate arcu. Etiam eget orci vel ex condimentum egestas non eu augue. Vestibulum blandit massa ac justo efficitur vehicula. Integer vel nibh ornare, dictum lorem vitae, dignissim nisl. Pellentesque aliquet tortor sed risus gravida suscipit. Fusce sed arcu magna. Morbi…

  • Full-Site Editing Has Arrived in Divi. Here is How to Use It

    Full-Site Editing Has Arrived in Divi. Here is How to Use It

    Full-site editing has been a hot discussion in the WordPress community, especially when version 5.8 was released in July 2021. Before the full-site editing was included in version 5.8 WordPress release, the feature has been available in Elementor since version 2.9 which was released in 2020. What about Divi? Recently, Elegant Themes has just released the full-site editing…

  • How to Create Multi-Color Gradient Background in Divi

    How to Create Multi-Color Gradient Background in Divi

    When creating a page or custom theme template in Divi, you can add a gradient background to a section, row, column, to module. In Divi version 4.15 or the older versions, you could only use the maximum of two-color combination for the gradient. Since version 4.16, you can use multiple combination of colors. You can…

  • The Tivoli Garden

    The Tivoli Garden

    Proin pharetra tortor non lacus ultrices iaculis. Maecenas a diam elit. Curabitur lorem quam, euismod id mattis vel, rutrum vitae est. Vivamus eu magna tortor. Nulla vitae dolor iaculis, interdum neque eu, finibus justo. Aenean sit amet ex sed tortor volutpat aliquet. Fusce rutrum quam nec est elementum, nec ornare libero malesuada. Sed ut tellus…

  • Exploring Nosy Sakatia: The Beautiful Island

    Exploring Nosy Sakatia: The Beautiful Island

    Maecenas eget velit vitae sem consectetur condimentum. Nunc posuere ante eu enim pellentesque lobortis. Morbi ut mollis erat, eget accumsan augue. Proin sollicitudin velit ut dictum pellentesque. Cras vel lorem egestas, dapibus lectus vitae, rhoncus orci. Etiam quam eros, ullamcorper at mattis quis, interdum in nulla. Curabitur in elit in quam aliquet varius. Morbi. Dictum…

  • The best east coast beaches in the USA

    The best east coast beaches in the USA

    With more states spanning the coastline than its western counterpart, the best east coast beaches in the USA , reaching from ruggedly charming Maine down to the tropical climes of Florida, offer style and substance to rival the most famous west coast beauty spots.

  • 10 reasons why Saxony in Germany should be on your travel list

    10 reasons why Saxony in Germany should be on your travel list

    Cultural delights, stunning nature, curious traditions. Saxony Germany – which borders Poland and the Czech Republic – is much loved for its diverse attractions. Here are 10 reasons why the region is a great choice to discover (yet) another side of Germany.